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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Renata Malcher de Araujo” ,找到相关结果约200387条。
A urbaniza o da Amazónia e do Mato Grosso no século XVIII povoa es civis, decorosas e úteis para o bem comum da coroa e dos povos
Renata Malcher de Araujo
Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material , 2012,
Abstract: In this paper we make a concise reading of the urbanization of the Amazon and Mato Grosso in the second half of the eighteenth century. We consider, above all, the implicit relations with the conjuncture of the demarcation of boundaries; the ideological projection of the urban in the political discourse of the Enlightenment, that is reflected in the legislation adopted and the implications of the urbanization process in the reading of the territory.
Visualizing Clashes and Alliances in Social Networks of Political Discussions  [PDF]
Rafael Lage Tavares, Mariano Pimentel, Renata Mendes de Araujo
Social Networking (SN) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/sn.2014.32012

Political discussions are characterized by conflicts of interest, and decisions are made based on negotiations. In general, participants need to reinforce their opinions and influence other participants. In this context, it is important to know how allies and opponents are positioned, in order to understand the discussion dynamics and plan adequate actions. This paper suggests the use of social network visualizations to explicit oppositions and alliances in order to support the understanding and following of political discussions. A system which supports these visualizations was built. An experiment performed to test the proposed visualizations showed to which extent they can be more efficient in identifying information about clashes and alliances than an online discussion system can.

Rela??o entre o craving por tabaco e o craving por crack em pacientes internados para desintoxica??o
Zeni, Taís Cardoso de;Araujo, Renata Brasil;
Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0047-20852011000100006
Abstract: objective: verify if there is a relationship between crack craving increase and tobacco craving increase in patients hospitalized for detoxification. method: quasi-experimental clinical trial using a quantitative analysis. sample comprised 32 crack-cocaine and tobacco-dependent males, in 2 to 3 weeks of abstinence. a group intervention was conducted to which initially cocaine craving questionnaire-brief (ccqb), qsub (questionnaire of smoking urges-brief) and bai (beck anxiety inventory) were applied. next, crack related images were applied and ccqb, qsub and bai were reapplied. after that, an individual interview was conducted in which a form containing sociodemographic information and data related to the pattern of consumption of psychoactive substances (fsd) and fagerstr?m test for nicotine dependence (ftnd) were applied. results: following the crack related images exposure, there was a significant increase of crack craving, tobacco craving and anxiety symptoms, being them positively correlated. conclusion: results show a significant association between crack craving and tobacco craving, suggesting that tobacco abstinence can help on effectiveness of cocaine dependence treatment.
O relaxamento respiratório no manejo do craving e dos sintomas de ansiedade em dependentes de crack
Zeni, Taís Cardoso de;Araujo, Renata Brasil;
Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-81082009000200006
Abstract: introduction: the objective of this study was to verify the effectiveness of deep breathing in the management of craving and anxiety symptoms in crack-cocaine-dependent patients hospitalized for treatment in a detoxification unit. methods: this is a quasi-experimental clinical trial using a quantitative analysis. the convenience sample comprised 32 crack-cocaine-dependent males. these subjects had cocaine as their drug of choice, having used this substance between 2 and 3 weeks prior to the beginning of the treatment, and were able to adequately perform the deep breathing technique. the instruments used were: the cocaine craving questionnaire-brief (ccqb), the visual analogue scale (vas), the beck anxiety inventory (bai), and a form containing sociodemographic information and data related to the pattern of consumption of psychoactive substances (sdf). a group intervention was conducted with the administration of the ccqb, the vas, and the bai. after that, images related to the use of crack-cocaine were shown to the subjects and the same instruments were administered again. next, the participants performed the deep breathing technique for 10 minutes, and the instruments were administered one more time. finally, an individual interview was done and the sdf was completed. results: our findings demonstrated a decrease in the scores on the ccqb, the vas and the bai after the deep breathing technique was performed in a sample whose profile represents the general pattern of crack-cocaine users. conclusion: in spite of some methodological limitations, the present study suggests that the deep breathing technique is effective in the management of craving and anxiety symptoms in crack-cocaine-dependent patients.
Antioxidant Protective Effects of the Resveratrol on the Cardiac and Vascular Tissues from Renal Hypertensive Rats  [PDF]
Joyce Cristina de Oliveira, Carla Renata Kitanish Antonietto, Angélica Cristina Scalabrini, Talita Sanches Marinho, Larissa Pernomian, José Wilson N. Corrêa, Carolina Baraldi Araujo Restini
Open Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (OJMC) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ojmc.2012.23008
Abstract: Background: Accumulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) is involved in cellular signaling and function disturbances due to the oxidative stress, which contributes to several diseases. The consequences of ROS activity represent an im-portant mechanism on the pathogenesis of vascular diseases, such as hypertension. Increased blood pressure observed in renal hypertension of the 2 kidneys-1 clip (2K-1C) model involves increased ROS levels in the cardiovascular system. Resveratrol, a polyphenolic compound primarily found in red wine, has many biological and pharmacological proper-ties. Considering the antioxidant properties of resveratrol, the present study was aimed to investigate the effects of the chronic treatment with resveratrol on cardiovascular system from renal hypertensive rats. Results: 2K-1C hypertension presented increased blood pressure, which was reduced at the end of the fifth week of resveratrol treatment. The cardiac hypertrophy index and the basal levels of ROS in rat aortic rings were also reduced by resveratrol treatment. Conclusions: The present findings clearly show the protective effects from resveratrol on the blood pressure, the car-diac growth and the vascular ROS generation in renal hypertension.
InternexT : Revista Eletr?nica de Negócios Internacionais da ESPM , 2006,
Abstract: O propósito central deste ensaio é discutir a rela o entre o processo deinternacionaliza o das organiza es, com maior ênfase a Teoria de Uppsala, alian asestratégicas e supply etwork enquanto sistemas adaptativos complexos e o modo de entradatipo exporta o no contexto brasileiro de negócios. A complexidade imposta pela atualdinamica do mercado continuamente exige um posicionamento das organiza es voltado paraopera es internacionais. A dependência natural dos parceiros externos para comercializar edistribuir bens e servi os das empresas brasileiras exportadoras incorre em uma maiorvaloriza o da aprendizagem e compartilhamento de experiência por entre os negócios. Arevis o da literatura acerca da internacionaliza o das empresas consiste na teoria de Uppsala,cujos pilares s o aprendizagem sucessiva e incremental, processos de auto-adapta o enetwork. Redes externas de relacionamento, em men o a fornecedores e clientes ao longo dacadeia, consistem na maior contribui o para o desempenho internacional das organiza es,devendo tal sistema de valor ser auto-organizado e adaptativo de modo permitir livre fluxo deidéias e tecnologia e práticas de sucesso entre os elos.
InternexT : Revista Eletr?nica de Negócios Internacionais da ESPM , 2006,
Abstract: Neste artigo s o apresentadas e discutidas sete teorias de internacionaliza o, a saber: oModelo do Ciclo de Vida do Produto, Uppsala – Escola Nórdica de Negócios Internacionais,Relacionado à Inova o, Escolha Adaptativa, Paradigma Eclético de Internaliza o (OLI),Modelo de Internacionaliza o Baseado em Recursos (RBV) e o Modelo Diamante. Oobjetivo é analisar criticamente estas teorias, propondo uma uni o entre alguns de seusconceitos-chave para um melhor entendimento do processo de internacionaliza o incluindo acontexto dos países emergentes. Ademais, questiona-se a aplica o destes modelos, elaboradosem países desenvolvidos, em países emergentes sem uma análise crítica, buscando-se aconvergência sem a percep o dos diferentes contextos e timing de internacionaliza o, já queo protecionismo instaurado tornou tardia a entrada destes países no mercado internacional.
Marijuana Craving Questionnaire (MCQ-SF/Vers?o Brasil): valida??o semantica
Pedroso, Rosemeri Siqueira;Castro, Maria da Gra?a Tanori de;Araujo, Renata Brasil;
Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0047-20852009000400001
Abstract: objective: the aim of this study was to translate and adapt culturally the marijuana craving questionnaire (mcq-sf)10 which evaluates the craving for marijuana in a brazilian sample. method: the marijuana craving questionnaire (mcq-sf) was translated from english to portuguese, administered to 10 subjects, submitted to a brainstorming in a group of three people for individual and verbal reproduction, item by item. back-translation was executed, a translation for the original language, based on first translation and from brainstorming. soon after, it was translated again into portuguese. a committee of specialists analyzed all translations. results: after the committee considerations and a pilot study with 30 subjects, the final version of mcq-sf/vers?o brasil was built. conclusion: the results showed a satisfactory semantic equivalence between versions. the mcq/vers?o brasil can be useful to evaluate the craving for marijuana on the dependents of this substance.
Desenvolvimento de role-playing game para preven??o e tratamento da dependência de drogas na adolescência
Araujo, Renata Brasil;Oliveira, Maíra Maria de Alencar;Cemi, Jeferson;
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-37722011000300010
Abstract: the aim of this study is to present the development of the role-playing game (rpg) challenges by a qualitative study that adopted the following strategies: focus groups, direct observation and questionnaires. adolescents of both sexes participated; four hospitalized for chemical dependency and four high school students. the instruments were: rpg challenges, structured interviews and visual-analogies scales. after the development phase the game was used in a pilot study, was adjusted, and was evaluated by judges and the final version was tested. the results indicate that the rpg challenges is useful in the treatment and prevention of drug dependence in adolescence through the training of skills dealing with problem situations and changing the belief that drug use is a strategy for conflict resolution.
Perfil do usuário de crack e fatores relacionados à criminalidade em unidade de interna??o para desintoxica??o no Hospital Psiquiátrico S?o Pedro de Porto Alegre (RS)
Guimar?es, Cristian Fabiano;Santos, Daniela Vender Vieira dos;Freitas, Rodrigo Cavalari de;Araujo, Renata Brasil;
Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-81082008000300005
Abstract: introduction: this cross-sectional study was carried out with 30 crack users admitted at the male detoxication ward at hospital psiquiátrico s?o pedro, in porto alegre, brazil, from march to december, 2007. the objective of the present study was to identify the sociodemographic and psychoactive consumption profile of crack users and presence of antisocial behavior, anxiety and depression symptoms in patients admitted at the male detoxication ward at hospital psiquiátrico s?o pedro, in porto alegre, brazil. method: thirty crack users participated in the study, and the instruments used were a 55-item sociodemographic questionnaire to evaluate psychoactive substance consumption and presence of criminal records, mental state mini exam, beck anxiety inventory, beck depression inventory, fagerstr?m test for nicotine dependence and visual analog scales for craving. results: the main results led to a population of caucasian young adults, mean age of 27.3 years, underemployed or unemployed. presence of criminal records was observed in 40% of the sample and was associated with greater craving (u = 58.00; p = 0.035), more anxiety symptoms (u = 56.50; p =0.028) and depression (u = 47.00; p = 0.009). conclusions: presence of criminal records was frequent for crack users and this variable was related to more anxiety, depression and craving. studies of this kind can enhance knowledge of the study population, in order to design a more effective therapeutic plan for these patients.

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